That patch applies to Space Ace (c) 1989 Readysoft. 2 versions supported. This install has the slave-version 1.10 and the imager-version 1.01. It needs WHDLoad 0.608 and The Patcher1.05 or higher in the path (eg in c:). To install from a different drive than df0: select Expert as installation mode. Fixed: Some access faults. Default quitkey is numerical *. Change it with the QUITKEY-tooltype. Cheat mode: To watch the entire game first press the return-key, then type dodemodexter . Note: Although it runs from a technical view without preloading the disks, its completely useless with fewer than 6 MB ram, since it loads permanently. Comment: Due its strange multiinterrupt-disksystem it was hard work to install that one. The install is tested on a 2 MB A1200 and on an 18 MB 68030. Disclaimer: Although i try to make my installs as reliable as possible, you use them wholly on your own risk. Full whdload package: aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?.lha Other installs: Report bugs with the bug report form on that page. Harry in November 1998.